Walking in Southwest Asia: Jordan

Walk in Jordan with Eisa Dweekat

July 08, 2023

Walking in Southwest Asia: Jordan

Walking in Ajloun, Jordan (Photo by Matt Harms)

API’s trail development work in Jordan began in 2007. We met with small communities in northern Jordan, connecting travelers with homestay hosts and guides in Baoun and Rasun. Today, the Jordan Trail stretches 675km from Um Qais in the north to Aqaba in the south. The long-distance hiking trail winds its way through 75 communities the length of Jordan. 

Eisa Dweekat is one of the guides and homestay hosts based in Ajloun - a region in northern Jordan. Eisa grew up in Arjan, north of Ajloun, and he uses the knowledge he’s gathered over the years to offer unforgettable experiences to hikers and overnight guests. Learn more about Eisa’s journey to guiding and how COVID impacted his family in his two digital postcards from 2020 and 2022.

For more information about hiking, homestays, and/or camping with Eisa, check out his website, Hike Jordan.